Irish Pride (428173)
My Latest Sims 4 Creations (6 in total) Show all my Sims 4 Creations
My Latest Sims 3 Creations (108 in total) Show all my Sims 3 Creations

NBA West Jerseys - v3 Female
Published Sep 17, 2009
My Latest Sims 2 Creations (706 in total) Show all my Sims 2 Creations

Happy Feet Pet Center
Published Jun 6, 2007
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About Me
Welcome to Irish Pride Designs! I have been doing object recolors, clothing and tattoos for a few years now and just love to create new and exciting objects for the game. I started creating content for the Sims 3, mostly patterns and houses, and now have moved to The Sims 4. Make sure you check back often as all my creations will only be found here at TSR!
My Latest Updates Show All
New Jersey MeshesWritten Sep 15, 2009
Hey all, just wanted to keep you informed on my new creations. I have been working with building new meshes, Jerseys for the NFL, NBA, MLB, NHL. I know I have done these already, but these will be the actual jerseys, all home and in color of course. I should have the first set finished by this weekend, so look for them to come out soon! ...More
More ClothingWritten Aug 26, 2009
Hey all, just wanted to give you an update, I have more clothing coming soon, mostly Military and Irish stuff, but I am working on some NBA, NHL, and MLB stuff as well as some bomber jackets for all branches of the Military, I hope you are enjoying my creations and the Sims 3, and as always...Happy Simming! ...More
NFL ShirtsWritten Aug 04, 2009
Hey all, just wanted to let you know the start of the NFL shirts are going to be published tomorrow starting with the AFC West and North, the AFC East and South will follow and then sometime in the next few days the NFC shirts will be ready and released. I hope you all enjoy them! ...More
My Guestbook Show All
cedricmeallanOct 06, 2012
Dia duit! I'm thinking that you should probably make some GAA- and League-of-Ireland-related clothing, or even some Σglaigh- or Garda-Sνochana-related clothing. For example, I've always wanted a Garda Sνochana uniform.
enchanting58Dec 20, 2011
Hi, I wish them all by
heart of a wonderful Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year 2012 with much health
and happiness.
AkumaBunnyApr 06, 2010
Thank you very much for all the army clothes - it was just what I was looking for!